Built-in Customizable Commands

These commands are pre-built by DiscordFeaturesHandler and using the features provided to execute the commands. You can tailored the commands to your needs, but required to use the pre-built functions and objects to make the newly customized commands work.

This help command uses createMessageComponent to create an embed with buttons for displaying help commands using button to show commands based off categories name.

You can disable this help command and look at the code and create your own!

This command is using the client.commands and client.aliases collection object from the Discord.Collection pre-built from DiscordFeaturesHandler to fetch all the loaded commands and also sort them by the sub-folders as categories of those commands. You can use these and print the collection object out and re-design tailored to your needs

This command is using the client.unloadCommand() and client.loadCommand() functions built by DiscordFeaturesHandler npm package to unload the command from cache and reload them with the new functionality.

Last updated