Built-in config.js file

This file will handle your command permissions level setup and who is the bot owner, your bot admin, and bot support users. Build your own config.js file and define how your permissions level should work.

Using discord-features-handler you can access the config variables by using "client.config"

Here is the default config.js that is used if no config file is found:

const { ChannelType } = require("discord.js");

const config = {
  // Your discord user id
  // owner: access to source code of bot etc...
  ownerID: process.env.OWNER_ID,
  // this can be both array or a single user id of your bot admins users
  // bot admins: reload bot commands, restart bot so forth...
  admins: process.env.OWNER_ID,
  // this can be both array or a single user id of your bot support users
  // bot support: people who knows how your bot works and do simple fix
  support: process.env.OWNER_ID,
  // prefix is what the keyword to execute your bot commands
  // most people uses "!" , or ".". You can select what you want!
  // you can change this into an array of strings ["!","."], 
  // however the first element of the array will be shown as main prefix
  prefix: "!",
  // Your Discord Bot token found in [Discord Developer Portal](https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/)
  token: process.env.DISCORD_TOKEN,
  //Your application's client id ([Discord Developer Portal](https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/) > "General Information" > application id)
  clientId: process.env.CLIENT_ID,
  // Optional: Your development server's id
  guildId: process.env.DEVELOPMENT_GUILD_ID,
  // Optional: Only if you want to delete a slash command, enter the slash command id
  //or if you want to delete all slash commands, type the boolean: true
  toDeleteSlashCommand: "",

  // *This will display admin commands that regular users to don't see and they don't have access to, will show users a denied access message to who does not have permission level of 7 or higher.
  displayAdminCommandCallsByNonAdmin: false,

  // ?optional: These two are optional variable and purely for sample setup
  // defines the mod role and admin role names for permissions.
  // You can also use .env and set these roles there,
  modRole: "Mod",
  adminRole: "Admin",

  // Level 1,2, 6,7 are undefined
  permissions: [
    // Default User and for all Direct Message Users
    // (excluding bot support, admin, owner)
      level: 0,
      name: "User",
      check: () => true,
    // Level 1, 2, can be defined to tailored to your needs for servers

    // Level: 3
    // This is the server mod role, based off role based modRole variable.
      level: 3,
      name: "Moderator",
      check: ({ guild, guildMember }) => {
        const modRole = guild.roles.cache.find(
          (r) => r.name.toLowerCase() === config.modRole.toLowerCase()
        if (modRole && guildMember.roles.cache.has(modRole.id)) {
          return true;
        } else {
          return false;
    // Level: 4
    // This is the server admin role, based off role based adminRole variable.
      level: 4,
      name: "Administrator",
      check: ({ guild, guildMember }) => {
        const adminRole = guild.roles.cache.find(
          (r) => r.name.toLowerCase() === config.adminRole.toLowerCase()
        if (adminRole && guildMember.roles.cache.has(adminRole.id)) return true;
        else {
          return false;
    // Level: 5
    // This is the server owner where channel is called.
      level: 5,
      name: "Server Owner",
      check: ({ author, channel, guild }) => {
        return channel.type === ChannelType.GuildText
          ? guild.ownerId === author.id
            ? true
            : false
          : false;
    // Level 6, 7, can be defined to tailored to your needs

    // Level: 8
    // This is the bot support, predefined in the support array variable above
      level: 8,
      name: "Bot Support",
      check: ({ author }) => {
        if (!config.support) {
          if (config.ownerID === author.id) {
            return true;
          } else {
            return false;

        return config.support.includes(author.id);

    // Level: 9
    // This is the Bot Admin
    // Some limited access like rebooting the bot or reloading commands.
      level: 9,
      name: "Bot Admin",
      check: ({ author }) => {
        if (!config.admins) {
          if (config.ownerID === author.id) {
            return true;
          } else {
            return false;

        return config.admins.includes(author.id);

    // Level: 10
    // This is the Bot Owner, you should use your user id and set it to yourself
    // Highest Permissions because of dangerous commands such as eval
    // You can also use this to fun commands that only you can use
      level: 10,
      name: "Bot Owner",
      // A simple check, compares the message author id to the one stored in the config file.
      check: ({ author }) => {
        return config.ownerID === author.id;

module.exports = config;

Last updated